Monday, September 20, 2010

weekend update: good and bad

So let's see...where to start?

Saturday I had my WW meeting. I think we have a new leader. I'm not sure because I was 15 min late (they changed the time again) and the new lady was leading and my old leader was still there watching. Hmm. I hope we have this new lady because I could tell right away I liked her a lot more. I just looked on WW online and she is indeed the new leader for Saturdays. :)

I was up .8 which sucks. I didn't have a good week points wise though so I couldn't get that upset. Our location is a "pilot" where the center is open retail hours. The set-up is totally new and it's really nice. I left the meeting and headed home.

The weekend was relaxing. We saw that new movie The Town and it was really good! I highly recommend it!

We went to Michael's and I got a cute glass jar/bowl and pretty blue glass beads. So not only is it motivational but it looks nice. I stayed in points Saturday and Sunday and didn't snack at night so I have four stones so far! :)

So far it's working great.

Yesterday I did a 4 mile run outside. Not much to say as far as that goes. It was hot. Ugh.

Now with bad news...

I took Dakota to the cardiologist this morning. Turns out he does have heart disease. I have to wait to find out more details from the vet tomorrow. From what I know now, it's not that bad/advanced. He is most likely going to go on medication to slow his heart rate. I'm guessing his heart beats faster than it needs to right now? Like I said, I'll find out more tomorrow.

I just pray to whatever there is that he leads a happy and long life with us.

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