For breakfast this morning I made something different. I had a little extra time so I made a low-point Egg McMuffin type creation. I used an bagel thin for 1 point, 1/2 cup of egg whites for 1 point and three slices of Jenny-O Extra Lean Turkey Bacon for 1 point. I highly reccomend this turkey bacon. I like the taste and you can't beat three slices for a point! Also had some ketchup on the side...yum!
I didn't want to miss the chance to get pictures of my meals today so when I got to work I took photos in advance before putting my lunch in the fridge.
For a mid-morning snack I had a Nutrigrain bar for 2 points and my Zevia soda which is all natrual and very expensive. :(
For lunch today I made a salad. I use spring mix lettuce, broccoli slaw(love this stuff), onion, cucumber, red bell pepper, cooked ground chicken breast(left over patty from dinner Monday) and Farmer Boy Greek Dressing. OMG. That dressing is so good. My friend Anna introduced me to it last year and I'm obsessed. Two tablespoons is a point and it's delicious! I find it in my local Publix. salad was a total of 4 points and super yummy.
Later on I had my snack of veggies. I know the picture contains an apple but I ended up tossing that because it was rotten. Ew! My veggies were free so 0 points.
Later in the afternoon I had my Luna Bar for 3 points. I like a few of these flavors but one I can count on is the Lemon Zest flavor.
After work I had acupuncture again. Work gave me a huge headache and had me feeling pretty crappy so my session didn't work as good as usual. I am hoping after rest tonight to feel better. I suffer from a-typical facial pain and have been doing acupuncture for relief. It has been helping but it's expensive. :\
For dinner I picked up Subway because I had some money on my gift card. I got the $5 turkey foot long so I can have the other half for lunch tomorrow. So for dinner I had my 6" turkey sub for 4 points. It was only four because I removed a points worth of bread. That is a good way to reduce a point. I also don't usually get cheese. I had a little honey mustard on it and veggies. I also had Baked BBQ Lays for 3 points.
I ended up eating some additional Baked Scoops for 2 points and just finished eating my 2 point WW ice cream cup. Didn't snag a pic of those, sorry.
This week has gone by fast but it's been a rough week at work. A lot of stress. I am excited for the weekend.
Saturday John and I are going to Orlando to my parents house because my grandparents are in town. We are going to Seasons 52 for dinner so that's good. If you haven't heard of it's owned by Darden (who also own Olive Garden, etc.) and they have very healthy menus and provide all nutritional information on their website. :)
Tomorrow morning I have a follow-up with a doctor from my surgery. I'm hoping I can at least get back into some light exercise!
Ok. Time to shower and rest and get ready for The Office!
24/24 daily points used
19/35 weekly allowance points remaining
Omg your avocado from yesterday just looks sooo good, let me say, hah. I'm proud of you for only going a point over on such a rough day.
Anyway, today. Your breakfast sandwich looks so good! You have a lot of different stuff every day, which is awesome. You're doing great so far!
Also, I hate when my apples are bad! It's not like grapes where you can just try again, you know? Blech.
Yay me!
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