Friday, March 5, 2010


Man am I glad this week is over! For some reason it was just ROUGH. It was my first week back to work since my surgery so that is probablly half of it but still...

So last night I had some cheese which put me two points over into my weekly allowance. I was hungry though so I think it was a justified snack.

This morning for breakfast I had my 1 point coffee and a 3 point Luna Bar.

I had a follow-up doctor appointment today and was told no big workouts still. Light walking and such is okay though. So next week I am going to go for some walks after work.

For lunch I had a 3 point bag of Baked Lays and a 5 point 6" turkey sub from Subway(the other half from what I ate last night).



I was super busy at work today, blech! I had an applesauce mid-day for 1 point and some pretzels which I didn't snag a pic of for 2 points.

After work John and I went to look at these really awesome brand new apartments but they are too expensive. :( By the time we got done I was starving so we went to Pei Wei for dinner. I got ginger broccoli shrimp. I ate all the shrimp part for 10 points and some brown rice(not all) for 4 points. I also had edamame for 2 points.

I am nice and full and glad to be home. Went over points which stinks but I didn't surpass those 35 allowance which is good.

I found out we are not going to Seasons 52 with the family but to a Spanish/tapas place which is supposed to be great but it will be harded to stay OP. I still plan to. I'll make sure I eat low points for lunch I suppose.

Time to go finish the first Harry Potter book! Yes, I'm behind most...

29/24 daily points used
10/35 weekly allowance points remaining

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