Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday dinner...

So I'll try two posts for today instead of editing my earlier one.

I got a pedicure this afternoon and it was nice. I was hungry afterward so I got a smoothie at Planet Smoothie made with splenda to make it less points. I had to guesstimate a bit but I said it was 3 points.

We went groccery shopping today and I got stuff to make a few different recipies this week.

When I got home I still felt hungry so I had some Baked Tostito Scoops for 2 points with salsa which was zero. I also had one of those 1 point Weight Watchers cakes that I better have John hide from me before I eat another... ;) I also had some pickles that were zero points.

For dinner I made Cherry Chicken Burgers. I used this recipe but used ground chicken breast which is lower in calories. I also skipped the cherry mayo because some reviews said that was gross.

I used Arnolds Sandwich Thins for the buns and had some lettuce, tomato and onion on it. So my cherry chicken burger was a total of 3 points.  Sadly, again I forgot to take a photo of my assembled meal! Always so eager to eat I guess...(those first two burgers burnt a big, grr...)

I also had some Sweet Potato fries for  3 points.

I already had one of my Weight Watchers Ice Cream cones for dessert. They are 2 points and my favorite Weight Watchers dessert.


I am full right now but later on for a snack I'll have a yummy Vita Top. If you haven't tried this you HAVE TO! They are delicious and 1 point. I find them at my local Publix but you can also order them online.


24/24 daily points used
30/35 weekly allowance points left

1 comment:

Jen is losing it. said...

Yum, sweet-potato fries! I <3 them.