Sunday, June 13, 2010

Been a while!

So it's been a while since I've posted! Sorry about that. I want to at least be posting once week.

So let's start with the not so great news. Nothing great to report on the weight-front. I was down two weeks ago at WW but missed this week and I know I would have been up. I feel like I'm getting myself into a better place mentally slowly but surely.

On to the good news, I finished Couch to 5k and completed a 5k this weekend!

My friend Jen and I went to a Cool Summer Mornings 5k in Clermont, FL. Turns out Clermont is the hilliest part of Florida and I had not trailed on incline at all.

Within the first minute of the race we were face with two hills. The first one was annoying but doable. The second one was ridiculous. We decided to run up because our goal was to run the entire time and didn't want to start walking within the first 5 minutes. I'm thinking this was a poor decision in retrospect because running up the two hills in the first quarter mile really drained us of energy and killed our legs.

We managed to keep going and got to mile 1 where there was a water station. We got a drink a walked for a minute. Did I mention how hot it was? I believe it was about 88 degrees with a heat index of 93. Once we got to the 1 mile mark there was no shade. It was brutal and we were baking.

We ran mostly until mile 2. I can't say what our pace was but I'd imagine around a 4.5.

We had a touch less than a mile to go when we saw the clock at the end (we did a loop so we passed it) showing just under 30 min. We tried our hardest to push that last mile or so. We sprinted the last bit.

Our final times both posted as 40:21. I don't think it took our late start into account. We went across the start line about 8 seconds after the horn sounded. Either way, we didn't make our goal of 37 min. but considering the circumstance I think we did great!

This coming Sunday I am doing another 5k for Father's Day. It's going to be in a flat area so I am going to try my hardest for that 37 min. :)

I am pretty sore today. Even my left shoulder! I think that is because I was carrying a water bottle. Might not do that on Sunday...

My right shin is actually hurting a lot. I am praying it's not shin splits.

Last comment...went to get fitted for good running shoes today. The guy said I had really high arches. I found a pair I liked and with the special inserts it's $160. Not that bad for a pair of great shoes. :) I have the money in savings for a good investment.

My training plan for the week is:

Monday: yoga dvd
Tuesday: run
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: run
Friday: run
Saturday: off
Sunday: 5k!!!


Jen is losing it. said...

Hurrah we did awesome! I know you will make that 37:00 next weekend!

daniella said...

considering that was only 10 minutes above your goal that was really good!

Tamara said...

Congrats on the 5K! That heat sounded brutal, so good for you for hanging in there!