Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Finally a recipe that was GOOD!

Yesterday we went grocery shopping and I had gotten a new cereal. I got the strawberry Frosted Mini Wheats. I had those for 3 points with 1 point of Original Almond Milk. I also had my daily coffee for 1 point.

For a mid-morning snack I had my pretzels after a two and a half hour meeting. I was starving so I ate them quickly and forgot to get a photo. They were 2 points for the 1oz serving.

Today was super crazy at work so I ate at my desk. I had a Chicken Fried Rice Lean Cuisine which was 5 points. I was worried this one might be nasty but it was actually pretty decent and filling.

Busy, busy, busy all day at work! For my snacks I had a 1 point Vita Top and a 1 point apple which aren't pictured.

I ended up working until 5:30, yuck...

For a snack when I got home I had some Baked Scoops and a little salsa for 3 points.

For dinner I wanted to make Turkey and Zucchini Meat Loaf which was a recipe that Tamara posted over at her blog The Strech Jean Incident.

It came out great! I used ground turkey breast instead of just ground turkey and didn't use the glaze the recipe called for because I forgot to get the items to make it so I put a little BBQ sauce on top as a glaze. It made about five servings which came to 4 points per serving.  Even John enjoyed it and it was really flavorful. Yum! Here is a photo of when I took it out of the oven and my plate.

I also made us a small salad on the side. Mine was 1 point.

Dinner was a sucess! :)

Even though today was a lonngggggg day I am glad dinner was good and I'm excited for LOST tonight!

Time to go read some Harry Potter.

I'll have a 2 point Weight Watchers ice cream cone later on to finish off my eating for the day.

Why doesn't anyone reply to my blogs? :(

Oh and tomorrow I plan to do my Biggest Loser Yoga dvd. I think that is light enough for me to do while I'm still healing.

p.s. I didn't snack last night! :D

24/24 daily points used
10/35 weekly allowance remaining


Tamara said...

Glad you liked the recipe! And BBQ sauce is always a great substitute, for, well, just about anything.

And sorry- I read your blog (promise!) I've just never been a big commenter.

Jessica said...

I reply sometimes...it always says that you have to approve the comments. Maybe try taking that off and more people will reply? I really enjoy reading your blog!

Jen is losing it. said...

Yummm your dinner looks so good! I'm proud of you for staying OP!

John said...
